France, Pas de Calais, Sangatte. (4)
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1 hour
AOK 15, KVA C, KV.Gr. Calais, M.K.B. M II Sangatte, Stp. 106 Dresden.

This battery can be found at the west side of the village Sangatte. The battery is located at private territory. The first casemate, a M270 is still in a beautiful condition, most of the doors are still there. Note the ammunition hatch, it has still its small doors and you can see the rails. Next to the back entrance is a number painted at the wall, 1/446. In the second casemate we found a number 2/, so probably that used to be 2/446.
The second casemate is located west of the first one, you need to walk around the private terrain and then and the top of the cliffs is a very dangerous entrance into the bunker.
The owner of the terrain showed us a hidden bunker that was completely overgrown. The inside looked still nice and it is a personnel bunker but from an unknown type.
The fire-control post of the battery is a re-used French bunker. It has three levels, but can only be entered trough the observation hole. The bunker is made from light materials and is almost completely overgrown, but that made it look even more beautiful. The two ammunition bunkers are located at other private terrains east of the casemates. There is also a Wellblech bunker with probably a Flak emplacement built on the roof.

2x M270 Embrasured emplacement.
1x Fire-control tower, french.
2x Vf ammunition bunker.
1x Wellblech shelter, with Flak.
1x Vf personnel.
3x Fa personnel shelter.
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30 min
15 min
15 min
Sangatte, Le Cran.
AOK 15, KVA C, KV.Gr. Calais, Wn. 103 München.

Along the coast near the town Sangatte, many bunkers can be found. We start at the beginning of the village (east side) and then walk further into the village.

At the top of the dunes, near the first houses there is a nice Tobruk and the remains of a casemate, type 667. Next to the casemate stands a very nice Mg. post. The bunker has the shape of a mushroom and the type is very often used in this region. In the dunes behind the bunkers there is a Vf personnel bunker located.

1x 667 Small embrasured emplacement for 5cm tank gun, remains.
1x Mg. post.
1x Tobruk67 for tank turret.
Sangatte, plage centre.
AOK 15, KVA C, KV.Gr. Calais, Wn. 105 Köln.

Along the road at the west side of the village Sangatte lies this KSS in the slope of the dunes.

1x KSS cable connection bunker.
Sangatte, plage est.
AOK 15, KVA C, KV.Gr. Calais, Wn. 104 Stuttgart.

Walking along the beach in the dunes there are to find some objects.

1x Mg post
© bunkerpictures - Type M270
© bunkerpictures - Type French fire control post
© bunkerpictures - Type MG post
© bunkerpictures - Type MG post
© bunkerpictures - Type MG post
© bunkerpictures - Type Tobruk67
© bunkerpictures - Type KSS
© bunkerpictures - Type KSS